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Postgraduate studies in UX Design at the University SWPS in Poland.

We worked on the project for a year in a team of five.

The main goal of this plugin is to make each of the employees feel special in the company, by providing them with a personalized gift and all celebration around the event. 


This is a plugin for HR programs aimed at building positive relationships and atmosphere at work by celebrating important events for employees. The project is designed to facilitate the selection of a personalized gift for a colleague. The Let´sGift plugin system collects data about employees from existing information from the HR program to which it is connected and also sends its own questionnaires to all employees to gather accurate information about their preferences and hobbies. The system then generates a hint of the best personalized gift, is connected to online gift shops and helps with their purchase, also settles money and supports the organization of parties and handing out celebrations.

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Our product is aimed at building commitment by strengthening bonds through integration and appreciation of employees. Thanks to the plug-in/extension HR department can choose and buy easily and quickly personalized gifts for a company employee on the right occasion.

We want employees of large companies to feel noticed and appreciated. We want them to be able to integrate and celebrate important events, which favors the creation of more lasting bonds and greater attachment to the workplace. By providing a tool operated from the HR or Team level, we will provide team members with benefits for the entire organization.



General information

Stage 1 - research

Stage 2 - strategy

Stage 3 - user scenarios, user flows & wire flows

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Stage 5 - prototype testing

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